we help organisations to innovate successfully...

Innovation can help any organisation to grow faster, be more agile, and unlock new forms of value. Getting it right can be hugely challenging, especially for organisations wanting to innovate at scale, or to capture significant market share through targeted innovation strategies.

We have worked with many organisations and can provide expert support to deliver an organisational and strategic approach, including bespoke consultancy, comprehensive online programmes, and group or 1-2-1 coaching for innovation leaders.

Innovation Fuels most of the world's long-term productivity and economic growth.


Businesses that embrace innovation significantly outperform businesses that don’t in both revenue and employment growth. Creating a self-sustaining culture of innovation can be hugely challenging, and knowing where to start will make every difference to your chances of success.

Leaders need to understand what innovation is and what it can deliver for their organisations at scale. It isn’t just about creativity or coming up with new ideas. It’s about looking to solve problems that matter and systematically trying to solve them. It’s about adapting to new ways of working and new business models. It’s about identifying and gaining competitive advantage in key market segments. And it’s about leadership that is collaborative and transformative.

Our services

Leadership for innovation

Understand the key traits of innovative leaders, and how to model the necessary behaviours and competences in your organisation.

Culture & Values for Innovation

Understand the aspects of culture that can block or enhance your chances of success, and how and where to focus your efforts for implementing effective change, without unnecessary disruption.

Innovation Strategy

Understand your key market segments and the strategies that play well for high growth, and for creating positive disruption.

Innovation processes

Understand how to develop a portfolio of ideas and projects, and the entrepreneurial processes for validating ideas, to pivot, minimise risk and maximise return on investment.

Commercialisation, Investment & Funding

Put together winning projects, proposals, grant applications, investment pitches, and understand how to commercialise and license effectively as needed.

Manage Change and scale innovation

Understand the fundamentals of change management processes that will deliver high levels of success and maturity into the long-term.



Our affordable online coaching programme for Total Innovation is a great starting place for leaders to understand the key concepts of our comprehensive approach, with coaching sessions to help you build meaningful strategies and plans, and to keep you accountable and on track. Check out the introduction below.


Our team

Justin Wrench

Innovation Consultant

Justin is an experienced innovation leader, management consultant, and leadership coach, with more than 25 years’ experience supporting hundreds of businesses of all sizes to develop and achieve high growth through innovation. He has coached leaders, led change programmes, developed, and deployed strategy, and created and delivered technical innovation projects at scale. He has also worked with many startup entrepreneurs to achieve business model validation, and the commercialisation of new products and services, as well as raise investment and secure grant funding. He also has expertise in total quality management and business excellence and has worked across Europe as an innovation expert. He has more recently developed AI and RPA innovation programmes and led the development of medical devices in the healthcare sector.

Tim Meehan

Innovation Consultant

An experienced leader and manager, and innovation consultant with a background in design and technology and expertise in design. He has experience commercialising early-stage technology with clients, including award winning IoT technology for smart buildings, smart textiles and orthopaedic technology related to ACL recovery. His current clients include startups commercialising technologies in green energy and the emerging meta-verse. He also advises investors and provide due diligence services, and he has worked extensively as a grant writer and a technical and commercial assessor for several grant awarding bodies including Innovate UK, SBRI Healthcare, and NHIR for example.